Its Over

It is not fair for people to control your emotions or limit you emotions. Some people are good at tuning out the garbage people say and just don't listen to bullshit, but people (like me) are not so good at it. Nice people who do take bullshit and who do listen, respect, and trust a lot of people. I am deffinately one of these people and as of today I am deffinately trying not to be! I am nice, my friends say too nice but its true, and I trust people but today someone made me realize that they had me under their comand, I was waiting for their text, I was waiting for their call. Well not anymore!! I'm sick of stupidity, I'm sick of waiting for people, I am offically deciding who is and is not worth my time. It may sound a little mean or even stupid to change how I see things but I am tired and sick of waiting for people. Its over and I'm finished. If they want to talk to me they know where to find me, if they want to text me just do it! don't wait to see if I text you, I can't read minds!!!

Lesson here is don`t wait for people, let them come to you. Friends of course by all means go for it, but other people can come to you, if they want you they can find you. Don`t waste time waiting for people who are not worth your time.

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