
I started this blog for the wrong reason.. I started so I could review music and get my name out there, instead it turned into my personal diary that involves music. A way to express myself in a different way. By saying that here is my latest entry.

Life is not fair. Something I learn everyday but what keeps life good, fun, and as fair as life can be is friends. A support group of people who are always there for you no matter what. At 3am or 3 in the afternoon. Now the song that makes me know that this is true is Nicklebacks "I Come for You" .. I know its Nickleback.. but if you listen to the lyrics its more than just Nickleback, its the truth about caring and being there for someone no matter what. This song reminds me of my best freinds, I know that when I need them they are here for me and I can count on them, and they know I will always be there.. even if i get waken up in the middle of the night I'm there. This song speaks volumes and stays true to its words.. because I would come for any of my friends I'd be there. And this is how you know your friends are your best friends because if you need them they are here for you. I know this is getting repetitive but I can't stress it enough. When I needed my best friend and I was alone and upset, she was there, and she helped me through the rough spots. The love is unconditional and the trust is unspokenly known. It doesn't take a genius to figure out who's there for you and who isn't. People may surprise you, people who you would never have expected to be there might, so keep an open mind and an open heart :)

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