Love.. a word i personally think is crap. Some might say I'm bitter, maybe I am. But love is a word i do not through around a lot. Platonic love of course, like the way I love my friends and family. The love for someone else however, I do not think it exists, well not for everyone.
How do you really know what love is? What's the definition of love? Webster's New Collegiate Dictionary describes love as "Strong affection for another arising out of kinship or personal ties" Now that's one of the many definitions for love, but you get the idea. But how are we suppose to know what love is like if we have never felt it before? We don't because people can fall in and out of love, example my parents. Now I'm sure your thinking "OH! poor little girl with divorced parents" but I'm not bitter it's a fact. People can change their mind and opinion of someone in a small amount of time. Now the greatest love song ever written is probably "I Will Always Love You" by Whitney Houston. I'd like to see someone argue that this song is not the greatest love song ever.
Like the wind, we change direction, I don't mean north, south, east, west, I mean how we feel or think. So my arguement is this: How can you truly love someone if you have never felt that way about someone before, and how do you know you won't change your mind months/years later?